A full list of our members can be found below by clicking on the relevant heading:

For more information on becoming a member, please visit our Membership page.

Fund Members

Abrdn UK Shopping Centre Trust
Abrdn UK Real Estate Fund
AEW UK Core Plus Property Fund
AEW UK Impact Fund
Airport Industrial Property Unit Trust
Aviva Investors Lime Property Fund
Axa IM UK Long Lease Property Fund
BlackRock UK Long Lease Property Fund
BlackRock UK Property Fund
CBRE UK Affordable Housing Fund
CBRE UK Long Income Fund
CBRE UK Property Fund
Charities Property Fund (The)
COIF Charities Property Fund
CT UK Commercial Property Fund
(previously BMO UK Property Fund)
Diversified Property Fund for Charities (DPFC)
DTZ Investors Co-Living Fund I (COLIV)
Federated Hermes Property Unit Trust
Fidelity UK Real Estate Fund
Fiera Real Estate Long Income Fund

Industrial Property Investment Fund
KFIM Long Income Property Trust
Legal & General Managed Property Fund
Legal & General UK Property Fund
Leisure Fund Limited Partnership (The)
Local Authorities' Property Fund (The)
LPI (Limited Price Inflation) Income Property Fund
M&G Property Portfolio
M&G Secured Property Income Fund
Nuveen Real Estate Central London Office Fund
Nuveen Real Estate UK Property Fund
Nuveen Real Estate UK Retail Warehouse Fund
Nuveen Real Estate UK Shopping Centre Fund
Octopus Healthcare Fund
Patrizia Hanover Property Unit Trust
PGIM UK Ground Lease Fund
Property Income Trust for Charities (The)
Royal London Property Fund
Royal London UK Real Estate Fund
Schroder Capital UK Real Estate Fund
Standard Life Investments Long Lease Property Fund
Standard Life Investments Pooled Pension Property Fund
Threadneedle Pensions Property Fund
Threadneedle Property Unit Trust
Thriving Investments MMR Fund

Tritax Property Income Fund
Triton Property Fund LP
UBS Participating Real Estate Mortgage Fund (PREMF)
Unite UK Student Accommodation Fund

Investor Members

Aberdeen Asset Managers
Abu Dhabi Investment Council
Alecta Investment Management
Aviva Investors
Big Society Capital
BAE Systems
Barnett Waddingham
Brooks MacDonald
Border to Coast Pension Partnership

Buck Global Investment Advisors
Cambridge Associates
CapGen Partners
CBRE Global Investors
Church Commissioners of England
CIEL Capital
City Bradford
Coal Pensions Trustees Investment Ltd
Colliers Capital
Connected Asset Management 
Department for Transport
Deutsche Bank International Ltd
DTZ Investors
East Riding Pension Fund
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
Fidelity/FIL Investment Management
Greater Manchester
Hermes Real Estate IM
Honda UK Pension Fund
Hymans Robertson
Infinitum Capital
Institutional Property Consultants
Investec Wealth & Investment
Irish Life Investment Managers
Islington Council Pension Fund
JLT Employee Benefits
JLT Group
John Raisin Financial Services Limited

Kames Capital
Kingsland Capital
LaSalle Investment Management
Lane Clark & Peacock
Local Pension Partnerships
Lothian Pension Fund
MDU - Medical Defence Union
Merseyside Pension Fund
National Autistic Society
NFU Mutual
Pavis Financial Management Limited

Pensions Management Institutute
Pension Protection Fund
Prime Finance Sarl
Rathbone Investment Management
Reed Elsevier Pension Fund
River and Mercantile
Royal London Asset Management
Royal Mail Defined Contribution Plan
RPMI Railpen
Russell Investments
SAUL Trustee Company
Seven Investment Management
Smith & Williamson
Square Mile
StepStone Group
Tesco Pension Investment Limited
The Adviser Centre
The Townsend Group
The Wellcome Trust
Tovana Investment Advisors GmbH

UBS Global Asset Management
Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd.
Wellian Investment Solutions
West Yorkshire Pension Fund
Willis Towers Watson



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Membership enquiry

If you are interested in becoming a member, contact us today.
