19 Apr 2023

On 19th April we held a very successful training session, led by The Good Economy.

What does Impact Investing really mean? With the heightened requirement to fully understand this, the session provided essential training for anyone involved in this increasingly important area of real estate investment and included discussion around the potential implications for property valuations. 

We've since received great feedback, with 100% of respondents confirming they would recommend the course to others; thought it was good value for money and would be interested in attending Part II of the training.

For full information on the training, including the Agenda and Trainers, please view the event page here.

Interested in attending the next Social Impact Training Session?

Click the button below to let us know if you're interested in attending the next session. We'll let you know when the date is released.

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Clare Whyte

Clare Whyte

Head of Marketing & Events, AREF

Clare is responsible for all aspects of the planning, development and execution of the marketing strategy for AREF. 

Clare leads on event management, liaising with committees and members to schedule, plan and deliver an effective events calendar for the association.  She also has overall responsibility for brand, as well as the design, development and production of marketing across both digital and offline channels, including the website.