28 Jun 2022

We are delighted to announce details of the AREF Annual Awards 2022.

Each year the Association gives out a number of awards to recognise achievement and contribution, by our members and others who support the work of AREF.

Full information, including deadlines, purpose, selection criteria, selection process and previous winners can be found on clicking on the awards below: 

Due to popular request the date for submission for the Investors' Awards for Outstanding Achievement and the AREF Research Award has been extended to Friday 15th July 2022.

Investors' Award for Outstanding Achievement

This award is open to all AREF Fund Members and is judged by a panel of key fund investors.

Members are invited to nominate their fund by stating, in no more than 500 words, how their fund excels in the challenges of TCFD reporting? This should include details on:

  • The fund’s approach to physical and transitional climate risk.
  • How the fund intends to make material progress towards Net Zero Carbon as well as transitioning the portfolio with regard to Paris Alignment for a 1.5-degrees or less world. 
  • How the fund is disclosing to investors its ESG data and metrics at the asset level.
Terms and conditions:
  • Papers can be submitted in any format (PDF/Word/Web).
  • Up to three pieces of supporting material can be submitted to accompany your submission.
  • Submissions will be treated confidentially. 
  • Submission entry has now closed for 2022.
Previous Winner:

2022: Patrizia Hanover Property Unit Trust

2021:  Patrizia Hanover Property Unit Trust, for thinking outside the box on how the fund could achieve Net Zero Carbon.

2020: UBS Triton Property Fund LP, for the strength of its achievements in relation to Environmental and Social Impact.

2019: UBS Triton Property Fund LP, for exemplary governance and demonstrable ESG achievements.


For any enquiries relating to any of the awards, please contact Clare at [email protected]

The AREF Research Award

This award is open to all AREF member firms. 

Information about the 2023 Awards will be released in the Spring of 2023.

We will invite all member firms to submit a maximum of three pieces of original research, published by your firm or sent to your clients since 1st July 2022, which will be judged by a panel of AREF Committee members.

In line with the AREF Research and Information Committees’ long term goals, the winner of the prize will be judged upon:

  • Its contribution to the UK institutional real estate funds industry
    • The topical nature of the research and information presented
    • New understanding it brings to an area
    • The degree to which it helps the industry learn

Authors of this years winning paper will be invited to take part in a webcast with some of the judging panel, to talk about the paper. The webcast and paper will both be showcased on the AREF website. 

Any other reports the judges consider noteworthy will be published on the AREF website.

Terms and conditions:

  • Papers must have been published or sent to clients during the last year 1st July to 30th June.
  • Papers can be submitted in any format (PDF/Word/Web).
  • Unfortunately, we cannot accept academic research.
  • The research need not refer to or use the AREF/MSCI UK QPFI data.
  • Submission entry has now closed for 2022. 

Previous Winners:


Patrizia for their report on 'Optimising the value of institutional real estate portfolios with machine learning – A Hedonic Machine Learning Approach’ (click here to view the winning report). 

Watch webcast with 2022 Winner! Jonathan Bayfield interviews Dr. Marcelo Cajias, author of the winning paper 2022

Watch webcast here

(Special mention goes to Aviva Investors for their innovative approach to assessing relative value by compare return and risk across European Real Assets (inc UK property) on a consistent, forward-looking basis).  


AEW - Paper: “Climate Informed Real Estate Returns In Europe” (link to paper). 
(With a special mention to both: Fidelity for their “Future of the Office” paper (link to paper), which was the most succinct and informative research on another contemporary topic; and to CBRE (and Property Match) for their use of data and graphics in conveying information about the private real estate fund secondary market (link to paper).


For any enquiries relating to any of the awards, please contact Clare at [email protected]

Affiliate of the Year Award

This award recognises the invaluable support many of our Affiliate member firms provide to the association in a variety of ways. Although this is often manifest through the efforts of one or two individuals, the award is to the firm as a whole, recognising the background support that the individual representatives can draw on.

The award is judged on a number of measures, such as significant activity in a key area, hosting of events, or consistent contribution to our affairs over a long period.

The selection of nominees is done with input from our Board, Management Committee and the AREF Team.  The Board and AREF Team then hold a vote to determine the winner.

Previous winners include:

2022: CBRE (other nominees included Aztec Group, Osborne Clark and Langham Hall)

2021: Carbon Intelligence (other nominees included Aztec and Carey Olsen)

2020: Ocorian (other nominees included: Aztec, Carey Olsen and RSM)

2019: CMS (other nominees included: CBRE, Charles Russell Speechlys, Deloitte, Vistra)

2018: Browne Jacobson (other nominees included: Eversheds Sutherland, Vistra, CMS)

2017: Intertrust (other nominees included: CMS, Osbourne Clark, Browne Jacobson)

2016: CBRE (other nominees included: CMS, Eversheds, Hogan Lovells)

2015: Eversheds (other nominees included: Hogan Lovells, Mourant Ozannes, Nabarro)

2014: KPMG (other nominees included: CBRE, Nabarro, Willis)

2013: Nabarro (other nominees included: Berwin Leigton Paisner, Deloitte, PwC)

2012: Eversheds (other nominees included: Berwin Leighton Paisner, Hogan Lovells, Nabarro)

2011: Ogier (other nominees included: Bovill, Eversheds, Nabarro)

Outstanding Individual Contribution Award

This is a discretionary award, decided by the Board, which is not necessarily made each year, but is awarded to an individual who has gone the extra mile in terms of their personal involvement in our affairs and their commitment to the evolution of the association and the industry.  The selection of nominees is done with input from our Board, Management Committee and the AREF Team.  The Board and AREF Team then hold a vote to determine the winner.

Previous winners include:

2022: Ann Xu of CBRE Investment Management

2021: Sam Carson of CBRE

2020: Tom Pinnell of Langham Hall

2019: Guy Glover of BMO

2018: Joint winners:  Will Chetwood, Aviva & Melville Rodrigues, Charles Russell Speechlys

2017: John Forbes, John Forbes Consulting LLP

2016: No award given

2015: Paul Edwards, Legal & General

2014: Anthony Shayle, UBS

2013: Jenny Buck, Tesco Pension Investment Ltd

2012: Jenny Pidgeon, TIAA Henderson Global Investors

Nominees will be announced in late August and Winners will be announced at our prestigous AREF Annual Dinner & Awards 2022 on Tuesday 23rd September 2022.

For information relating to any of our awards, please contact Clare Whyte on [email protected]


Clare Whyte

Clare Whyte

Head of Marketing & Events, AREF

Clare is responsible for all aspects of the planning, development and execution of the marketing strategy for AREF. 

Clare leads on event management, liaising with committees and members to schedule, plan and deliver an effective events calendar for the association.  She also has overall responsibility for brand, as well as the design, development and production of marketing across both digital and offline channels, including the website.