The Residential Investment Committee lead on AREF’s strategy to be a central hub for institutional funds investing in the residential sector. 

Click the links below to view information on the Committee:

Residential Investment Committee - Biographies

Residential Events - post event videos and materials

05 Jun 2024

Residential Investment Committee - Update

Click here to view what the Committee is currently working on and discussing



Related Links:

28 Apr 2023

Single Family Housing (SFH)

10 Feb 2023

Single Family Housing in the UK: Watch the recording and view the article

18 Apr 2023

FT Adviser Article: Is it time to think about regulating residential property rents?

23 Jan 2024

Building Safety Levy

31 Jan 2023

Residential rent regulation – can that be good?

08 Dec 2022

Is there such a thing as good regulation in the residential rental sector? Watch the recording and view the article

19 Dec 2023

Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy

29 Jun 2022

AREF breakfast with Residential Funds

23 Jul 2021

Watch Podcast #6 on The Residential Sector - The AREF Pub-chat Podcast Series - The Road to Recovery?

29 Jan 2020

Post event summary: Webinar: 'Is residential becoming mainstream?'

05 Jun 2020

Watch Podcast #4 - The AREF Pub-chat Podcast Series - Looking beyond the COVID tunnel

27 Oct 2021

Residential Property Developer Tax

02 Jul 2021

Equity Impact Project