Below is a list of specific committee vacancies currently available:

  • Investor Committee - are looking for consultants to investors in property funds and wealth managers to join this committee
  • DEI Taskforce - we are looking for new members for our Taskforce
  • FutureGen Committee - we are looking for new members who are in the first 10 years of their career and not in a senior management position.

We are always open to expanding committees to engage with members with different skill sets, If you are interested in any of our committees please contact us on [email protected].

Committee Vacancy on E&T Committee

We have a vacancy on our Education & Training Committee ideally for a Fund Manager. This committee helps drive our Forum content for members - a key facet of AREF's value proposition. They generate and discuss ideas for topical webinars, seminars, events and other initiatives throughout the year. Contact us for more information.

Contact us