FutureGen Committee - Update

Education & Training Committee - Update

Click to read what the committee is currently discussing and working on

Diversity & Inclusion Taskforce - Update

Click to find more information on how we are working towards supporting our members with diversity and inclusion

ESG & Impact Investing Committee - Update

Click to view details of a number of initiatives that the Committee is working on to support members in the ESG and Impact Investing arena.

Research Committee Activity

Public Policy Committee - Update

The Committee is monitoring proposed changes to a wide range of regulations and legislation that affect AREF members. Also, they are actively lobbying policy makers in the UK and internationally. Click for more info.

Residential Investment Committee - Update

Click here to view what the Committee is currently working on and discussing

Corporate Governance Committee - Update

Click to read what the Committee is currently discussing and working on.

Investor Committee - Update

Click to view information on what the committee is currently working on.

Index Committee - Update

The Committee is overseeing improvements to the range and quality of data in the Property Fund Vision and is considering the process for funds exiting the MSCI/AREF Quarterly UK Property Fund Index. Click here for more info.

Tax Committee - Update

Click to read information on what the Committee is currently discussing and working on

Retail Funds Committee - Update

The Committee is supporting AREF in its lobbying on behalf of authorised property funds. Click for more info.

Technology & Innovations Forum - Update

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