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Displaying 35 results

Long-Term Asset Fund (LTAF)

Liquidity Management

ESMA - Liquidity Management Tools for Funds - Guidelines & Technical Standards

FSB - Addressing Structural Vulnerabilities from Liquidity Mismatch in Open-Ended Funds

IOSCO - Guidance for Open-Ended Fund use of Anti-Dilution Liquidity Management Tools

Portfolio Adviser Article: Property fund association lays out why open-ended struggles are overstated

Press Release: “ISA changes welcome – but much more work to do”

AREF statement - fund closures, the market & maximising the potential of UK real estate

Member only content

Productive Finance

Central Bank of Ireland - Macroprudential measures for property funds

IOSCO - Liquidity Risk Management Recommendations

FCA PS21/14: A new authorised fund regime for investing in long term assets (LTAF)

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