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Post-event Recording / Podcast / Slides - The Real Estate Debt Series: Event 2 - Exploring Fundamentals, Strategies, and Investor Needs

Single Family Housing in the UK: Watch the recording and view the article

Is there such a thing as good regulation in the residential rental sector? Watch the recording and view the article

Post-event materials: How will SDR affect Real Estate?

Post-event materials: Are DC Pension Schemes serious about investing in alternatives?

Webcast interview with 2022 AREF Research Award Winner

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Post-event materials: FutureGen - The Fund Lifecycle revisited - Introduction to Fund Structures

Post-event materials: The role of Climate Tech in delivering Real Estate's Net Zero - Tuesday 17th May 2022

Watch the recording! Investor webinar: Private/Unlisted REITS and the effect of Inflation

Webinar recording: Crucial challenges for the construction industry?

AREF Webcast Series: Real Estate Around the Globe 2022

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Post-event materials: Resolving Covid-19 commercial rent debts - Wednesday 19th January 2022

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