Please contact us for all enquiries and we will be happy to assist you.

Write to us:

The Association of Real Estate Funds
Camomile Court
23 Camomile Street

Call us:

Telephone: 020 7269 4677

Email us:
For all general enquiries, please email us at: [email protected]

For investors in AREF member funds who wish to contact us, please email: [email protected]

Press Team:

For all press enquiries, please email us at: [email protected]

For accounting queries relating to our member funds:

For fund accounting enquiries, please contact the fund management house directly (the AREF Accounts Team only look after account queries relating to AREF expenditure).  Details of our members can be found here.


Alternatively, please complete the form below and someone from AREF HQ will be in contact with you soon.