Investing in Sustainable Buildings - Investment Insights: UK Commercial & Residential Real Estate

ESG & Impact Investing Committee - Update

Click to view details of a number of initiatives that the Committee is working on to support members in the ESG and Impact Investing arena.

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

In May 2024 the European Commission published its Summary Report of the Open and Targeted Consultations on the SFDR assessment. This was followed by the ESAs Joint Opinion on the assessment of SFDR. More details can be found here.

FCA – Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels

Find out more here about the FCA's Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels regime. AREF recently responded to the FCA's consultation (CP24/8) proposing to extend the SDR and investment labels regime to portfolio management services.

Sustainable finance and climate change disclosures

Find out more about the policy work being undertaken by governments, regulators and standard setting bodies in relation to sustainable finance and climate-related disclosures.

FCA - Guidance on the Anti-Greenwashing rule

The FCA have published guidance on their anti-greenwashing rule. More details can be found here.

Impact of Climate Change Initiative

IPE Real Estate Article: Real estate industry welcomes UK Transition Plan Taskforce sector guidance

Transition Plan Taskforce

The Transition Plan Taskforce are producing guidance for preparers and users of climate transition plans, including Asset Managers and Asset Owners. More details can be found here.

Basel Committee - Disclosure of climate-related financial risks

AREF has responded to the consultation from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on the Disclosure of climate-related financial risks

2023 AREF GRESB Performance

AREF member funds outperformed the UK GRESB benchmark in 2023 by 3 percentage points with a score of 76%.

Property Week Article: Q&A: AREF’s Paul Richards on ‘fair’ and ‘clear’ greenwashing rules

Post-event Recording / Podcast / Slides: Webinar: How SDR applies to Real Estate

ESG Metrics for Real Estate

The proposals within the paper on ESG Metrics for Real Estate have been updated in January 2024.

ESG Ratings and Data Providers

In December 2023, ICMA and IRSG launched their voluntary Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers. More details can be found here about the work by regulators and governments on ensuring good governance by ESG ratings and data products providers.

Sustainable Value: ESG Risks in Commercial Real Estate Lending

This new report considers common approaches to sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks in real estate valuations for commercial lending.

Member only content

Guidance Advice: Application of SFDR Process for Real Estate Funds

Member only content

Post-event Recording: Webinar: Completing the SFDR Process

ESG & Impact Investing Guidelines for AREF Members

Watch the recording / listen to the podcast - Webinar: Sustainable Value

Watch the Recording / Listen to the Podcast / Read the Write-up - Scope 3: Tenant Emissions Management Strategy for Real Estate Funds

Watch the recording: Investor Webinar: How should Indirect Real Estate Investors manage ESG challenges?

The IA’s Path to Net Zero bulletin

View the IA's Path to Net Zero Bulletin

FCA - Finance for positive sustainable change: governance, incentives and competence in regulated firms

The FCA have published a discussion paper on firms' sustainability-related governance, incentives, and competencies. Please see here AREF's near final response.

Sustainable Value: a common approach to the commercial benefits of sustainability in UK commercial real estate

This report discusses some common sustainability features in UK commercial property and how they relate to property value.

FT Adviser Article: Retrofitting is vital not only to net zero but real estate investment growth

Social Impact Training

IPE article: Property fund managers must adopt common sustainability valuations

PCAF/CRREM/GRESB - Technical Guidance for Accounting and Reporting of GHG Emissions from Real Estate Operations

In March 2023, PCAF, CRREM, and GRESB released technical guidance for "Accounting and Reporting of GHG Emissions from Real Estate Operations"

Event Write-up - Diversity, Equality & Inclusion in Real Estate Investment Management: Effecting long-term change

Post-event materials: How will SDR affect Real Estate?

BBP - ESG Training Course for Real Estate Professionals & BBP Climate Commitment

The Academy of Real Assets : Helping with your “S” In ESG strategy - getting to the right Students

This year we have been supporting The Academy of Real Assets. The Academy is a membership organisation that helps its members execute their “S” strategy.

Professional Pensions Article - Delivering a net-zero real estate strategy

AREF Managing Director Paul Richards joined a panel of experts to discuss the challenges of reducing carbon emissions in property portfolios.

DWP – Climate and investment reporting

In June 2022 the Government Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) published the response to its consultation on Climate and Investment reporting: setting expectations and empowering savers. Click for more details.

Post-event materials: The role of Climate Tech in delivering Real Estate's Net Zero - Tuesday 17th May 2022

Watch the recording from this event.

RICS launch their UK Commercial Real Estate Impact Report

Today the RICS have launched their UK Commercial Real Estate Impact Report. We would encourage everyone to take a look at this report, which highlights the socio-economic value of UK commercial property alongside the challenges and solutions.

TCFD Reporting - Carbon Emissions Template

IPE article - Regulation: Shaping the TCFD metrics for commercial real estate

Oliver Light and Melville Rodrigues ask: How should the real estate industry help develop the ‘right’ climate-related metrics for under the TCFD guidelines?

Climate analysis: submit data for the UKPFI pilot!

MSCI has developed a tool that assesses the costs faced by RE portfolios generated by climate change. This one-off analysis will be done free of charge for all funds contributing their climate data to MSCI.

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